Every Single Day.



A few months ago I went through a brief phase of mentally bemoaning the fact that I was doing the same thing every single day. For some reason my mindset had become clouded.

Of course we all do the same things every day….not the exact same thing but I’ll start with the things that are the same.

I wake up each day at 6am. I don’t need an alarm. Every day, it’s 6am. I then have a shower,  shave and cigarette. Then I check my emails. This can take anything from 10 minutes to an hour. At around 8am I go and visit my parents who live just up the road. As an author and recording artist I don’t watch much TV so I get the news from my parents.

I then return home and start writing. Irrespective of whether I’m on a roll or am stuck for ideas, writing makes the day fly past. On a usual day I only stop for lunch and cigarettes. That’s me until tea time, then it’s back to writing or recording and cigarettes. I  generally go to bed at 9pm or 10pm.

Boring, huh?

That’s what I thought too for a while. Then I realised that there’s nothing boring about recording ones own music or writing. Both are brilliant for the imagination and keep the mind fresh. I guess it’s because I’ve been doing them for so long that they have become second nature to me….but never have I become bored with them or found them mundane.

Now for the flip-side….

There are some days when I want a break from writing or recording. On these days, I’ll usually visit my younger brother. This is generally hilarious and I imagine that people would think that we are nutso. I can always go and visit my parents again. They’re always good entertainment. I particularly enjoy stories of their childhood in Scotland. Things were so much more innocent back then. The work was harder but so was the laughter. There wasn’t the violence or drugs that we have in todays society.

I occasionally go and visit former nursing colleagues but have found that over the years, the conversations have become somewhat stale and inevitably turn to politics, religion or gossip. I like none of these topics, especially gossip. It always ends up getting nasty. Not my thing at all.

Then there are days when my kids visit. My 19 year old son will pop in for a while on his motorbike while my 15 year old daughter visits and will stay for the night. These visits are always a highlight. 🙂

So every single day isn’t the same old thing after all. As mentioned, it was just a phase that I was going through. I was tricked by my own mindset.